Thursday, May 22, 2008


While it's not Final Cut Server, AntZero's AtomicView is in many ways similar. Final Cut Server is overkill for many small companies but some of it's core features are invaluable. AtomicView basically does one thing that everyone needs: seek out and pull together all your media into a nice manageable interface. It doesn't monkey with any of the media, just creates a central place to oogle at it all. This is how they explain it:

AtomicView is a digital asset manager (DAM) software program available in versions for Mac and Windows. It can handle a multitude of formats and this permits unlimited organization of your photos, images, videos and sounds.

But I think this paragraph is funnier:

Our program is extremely rapid and reactive because its motor incorporates technology derived from video games and it uses advantageously the multiple processors available in the new generations of computer. Thus, for example, zooming in your files, changing the arrangement of the interface, can be done with an ease rarely attained in a utility program.
AtomicView shows its full speed potential from the moment of importation and allows the user to continue working while importing without blocking or slowing down.

You can check out some video demos at their site as well and see how it's rapid modularity environment interfaces with your upstream workflow paradigm or something. It's slick -even though I haven't personally tried it- and looks promising. At least it's not iView, right? Apparently AtomicView is about $188 USA.

Final Print

Final Print, which lets you print out a list of markers in a FCP sequence was updated today. I've never used it but I can see where it would come in pretty handy at times.

Final Print is a standalone application which prints a list of markers from a Final Cut Pro sequence. This provides a very useful workflow enhancement when handing off a project to someone else for further work.

Btw, it's $99. Yikes.

Drives that Won't Eject has a good reminder of why you should love the terminal. If you can't eject a drive it's likely that one file on it is in use for some reason or another. Pop open a Terminal window and type:

lsof /Volumes/VOLUME_NAME

You'll see a list of files that are "in use" on that volume. Lsof literally means List of Open Files. Things get tricky if you have oddly named volumes however. Like mine, which use parentheses in their names (I know...) but still, a good tip for troublesome drives.

Coincidently, has an article about something very similar, although with a different way to eject stubborn volumes. They propose you download and run a GPL'd applescript.

Turns out there are about a dozen ways till Sunday to eject these ejectless drives. (yes, I'm making that a RealWord™ now). Here are some Terminal commands to eject stuff:

hdiutil detach `mount | sed -ne 's|^\(/dev/[^ ]*\).*/Volumes/'"$VOLNAME"'.*mounted by.*|\1|p'` -force

hdiutil eject -force /Volume/volumeNameHere

Hushing Loud CD/DVD Drives

Here's a neat little utility someone just emailed me about. DiscRotate 0.2 is a little freeware app that lets you control the spin speed of your CD/DVD drive to try and make it a bit more quiet.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hack to Sort Sub-Clips has a user submitted tip to sort subclips numerically here.

Basically, it's a quick alteration of some text files within the FCP Application package. Check out the hint and see what you think. I think it may cause some file save/export issues with XML project exports.